How much is the Venus of Willendorf worth?

How much is the Venus of Willendorf worth?

How much is the Venus of Willendorf worth?

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This item Parastone Venus of Willendorf Prehistoric Mother Goddess Statue VEN01 3D Printed Venus of Willendorf Goddess Figurine 1:1 Scale
Price $3995 $32.00$32.00
Sold By Museumize 3DCentral
Color Brown
Material Resin Stone

What does Venus of Willendorf symbolize?

Venus figurine dating to 28,000–25,000 bce found in Willendorf, Austria; in the Natural History Museum, Vienna. It has been suggested that she is a fertility figure, a good-luck totem, a mother goddess symbol, or an aphrodisiac made by men for the appreciation of men.

How old is the Venus of Willendorf?

Can a 25,000-year-old object be a work of art? The artifact known as the Venus of Willendorf dates to between 24,000-22,000 B.C.E., making it one of the oldest and most famous surviving works of art.

What is this voluptuous female sculpture called?

Venus figurine
The term Venus figurine is used to describe the more than 200 small statuettes of voluptuous female figures that have been found at Upper Paleolithic sites across Europe and some parts of Asia.

Why is the Woman of Willendorf so small?

We may infer from the small size of her feet that she was not meant to be free standing, and was either meant to be carried or placed lying down. The artist carved the figure’s upper arms along her upper torso, and her lower arms are only barely visible resting upon the top of her breasts.

What does Venus figurine symbolize?

The Venus figurines are statuettes depicting obese women that, up until now, were thought to have been associated with fertility and beauty. A recent study published in “Obesity” has suggested instead that the figurines are totems of survival in extreme conditions.

What is the oldest known statue figurine?

the Venus of Hohle Fels
This figurine was later called the Venus of Hohle Fels and can be dated to at least 35,000 years ago. It represents the earliest known sculpture of this type and the earliest known work of figurative art.

What era is Venus of Willendorf?

The artifact known as the Venus of Willendorf dates to between 24,000-22,000 B.C.E., making it one of the oldest and most famous surviving works of art.

Why is the figurine called Venus?

Upper Palaeolithic female figurines are collectively described as “Venus figurines” in reference to the Roman goddess of beauty Venus. The name was first used in the mid-nineteenth century by the Marquis de Vibraye, who discovered an ivory figurine and named it La Vénus impudique or Venus Impudica (“immodest Venus”).