How do I enable port 587 submission in postfix?

How do I enable port 587 submission in postfix?

How do I enable port 587 submission in postfix?

Enable port 587 in postfix from Plesk Login to Plesk from an administrator account. Now go to Tool & Setting and select Mail Server Setting. We check the box Enable SMTP service on port 587 on all IP addresses.

How do I change port 25 in postfix?


  1. Connect to a Linux server via SSH.
  2. Create a backup file of the current file:
  3. Open the file /etc/postfix/ in any text editor.
  4. Add a line with a new SMTP port like this:
  5. Save the changes and close the file.
  6. Restart Postfix to apply the changes:
  7. Verify that the new the SMTP port is listening:

How do I unblock port 587?

How to Enable Port 587

  1. To access your Windows Firewall interface, click “Start,” “Control Panel,” “Security” and “Windows Firewall.” Video of the Day.
  2. Click on “Allow a program through Windows Firewall.” This option is found in the upper left region of the window.
  3. Enter the name you want for port 587 in the “Name” field.

How do I configure Postfix to use an alternate port for SMTP?

How to Configure Postfix to use an Alternate Port for SMTP

  1. Log into your server as root, or any other user with the ability to sudo.
  2. CD to /etc/postfix/
  3. Create a backup of (cp
  4. Open with a text editor.
  5. Find the line labeled: “smtp inet n……”

How do I check my Postfix port?

First, execute the below command and check which port is running for SMTP service in your server:

  1. netstat -ntlp.
  2. telnet 25.
  3. service postfix restart.
  4. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 2525 -j ACCEPT.
  5. iptabels-save.
  6. mail -s “” <<< “”

What is port 587 in postfix?

Port 587 is another submission port. This port ensures that the emails are submitted securely. Thus, most of the ISPs don’t block this port. This definitely reduces the rate of rejected messages on the server. Thus, this is mainly helpful in sending bulk emails. How we enable port 587 in postfix?

What port does postfix use to send mail?

By default, Postfix listens for connections on port 25/tcp and in this article I will show what needs to be done so that it starts to happen port 587 (submission), since for example in many mail clients when setting up mail, port 587 is offered by default. Open the configuration file /etc/postfix/ in any text editor:

Is TLS required for port 587 submission mechanism?

Dylan, TLS is not actually required for the use of port 587 as submission mechanism. RFC 6409 (which defines the use of port 587 for use for mail submission from local users) specifically states that the mail server MAY use STARTTLS. So it is not required.